Tuesday, January 6, 2015

DIY Lampshade

In a small store I found this cute nightlamp for my room. The lampshade was of glass and made to look like a cute mushroom. I loved it and thought that it would be liked by my 3 year old son also. I was right. He loved it and wanted to plug it in as soon as he could. But as is the fate of breakable things in the hands of a young boy it fell and the cute mushroom broke into pieces.
        So now comes the creative aspect. Why not make a lampshade for the still working and very naked nightlamp. It would be a small project and could get my son busy as well.
        Blew a small balloon, got some Anchor thread and fevicol and got to work. I cut the threads into small strings and after applying fevicol mixed with water on the strings paste them on the balloon haphazardly. Then I hung the balloon to let it dry. After the threads have dried I deflated the balloon and took it out of the framework made by the threads. And voila!! We have a lampshade made by me and my son. Am now workin on a papier mache lampshade. Hope to get it ready soon!